Intercom has three wires connecting the indoor unit (similar to a Telephone) and outdoor unit (shown in the photo). Outdoor unit is installed at the gate, to a post so that visitors can ring and talk to the indoor unit. Gate is opened from the indoor unit by pressing the button.
Audio Intercom (AUD2)
Product Code : AUD2
Intercom has three wires connecting the indoor unit (similar to a Telephone) and outdoor unit (shown in the photo). Outdoor unit is installed at the gate, to a post so that visitors can ring and talk to the indoor unit. Gate is opened from the indoor unit by pressing the button.
There are three wires connect from indoor unit to outdoor unit. Gate control wires are connected to outdoor unit. Indoor unit which is similar to a telephone gets power from normal 230V wall power socket.
When a visitor pushes the intercom button in outdoor unit, indoor unit chimes(6 different melodies to choose from). You answer from the indoor telephone and have a normal telephone converstion with the visitor at the gate. By pressing unlock button in the indoor unit, you can open the gate for the visitor.