Use this Gate Converter Kit with our 1M high Fence Panel to make any width Pedestrian Gate
Gate Converter Kit 1M
Product Code : G-CON 1.0
Use this Gate Converter Kit with our 1M high Fence Panel to make any width Pedestrian Gate
Easier and cheaper way to make a gate to fit your opening. This is same design as our 1M Fence panel.
Two of Side Frames are made of Aluminium Bars (Angle Iron) welded to 50 X 50 Square Post. These angle iron (Horizontal Aluminium Bars) bars fit inside fence panel rails. Fence panel can be cut to suit the overall width of the gate. However, angle iron bars cannot go past vertical pickets. Screws fits to the fence panel and frame. Matching Fence Panel is FEN1.0 and FENS1.1
Kit comes with followings:
Side Frames - 2
Post Plugs – 2
Self-Tapping Screws – 4